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The Dragon Slayer

Big Legs and Body Weight Squats

If all you can slay is a neutered hamster this program is not for you. Most can’t or won’t endure the pain required to succeed with this program. For those of you who can, not only will you reap your best gains in years, you will also earn the right to consider yourself a Dragon Slayer. The Dragon Slayer program features the following benefits:

1. Best gains in years.
2. Lower back gets a break while thigh gains continue.
3. Just Squats. No pussyfooting around with walking lunges,  leg presses, leg extensions or Swiss ball hack squats.
4. Amazing buffering capacity. I was always amazed that I could squat 455 lbs for reps but a couple flights of stairs would still make my quads burn. Once you have felt the heat of the Dragon, no conditioning challenge causes a burn.
5. The hedonistic high of thigh hypertrophy.

To become a certified dragon slayer:


Monday – Begin by establishing your repetition maximum by squatting as many times as possible with your body weight (see Additional Rules and Tips!). My physiology (geared towards maximal weight) only let me manage a meagre 30 repetitions. To officially slay a Dragon, you must double your initial repetition maximum. My goal, having managed 30 reps, is to hit 60 reps. After you have established your repetition maximum, perform an additional five sets of body weight squats. Each set should hit absolute failure. My results that first Monday looked like this:

Set 1 – 30 reps
Set 2 – 23 reps
Set 3 – 18 reps
Set 4 – 15 reps
Set 5  – 11 reps
Set 6 – 7 reps

Rest intervals should decrease from 3 to 5 minutes (between initial sets) to 20 to 60 seconds (between last sets). Stretch the hamstrings heads (the antagonists of quads) and the hip flexors (the antagonists of the glutes) during warmup and between sets.

Wednesday – no squatting this time

Friday – no squatting this time


Monday – Once again, try and establish your bodyweight repetition maximum on the squat. My experience is that my performance never improves on this 2nd Monday. Regardless, perform another 9 sets to failure to increase the workout volume to 10 total sets. Make sure rest intervals diminish from set to set. My 10 sets looked like this – 30 reps, 25 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps, 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps, 5 reps, 5 reps, 5 reps.

Wednesday – no squatting this time

Friday – Add to the weekly volume. Do six sets of squats. Today should mark the onset of progress and you should set a new repetition record on your first set. My 6 sets looked like this – 35 reps, 27 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps, 10 reps, 6 reps.


Commit 3 workouts and 18 total sets to squats this week! Below is the breakdown featuring my actual numbers:

Monday – six sets

40 reps, 30 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps, 10 reps, 5 reps

Wednesday – six sets

50 reps, 35 reps, 25 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps, 10 reps.

Friday – six sets

60 reps, 45 reps, 35 reps, 25 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps

Officially slayed my first dragon by hitting 60 body weight squats!

Had I not reached my goal of 60 reps, I would have continued with the WEEK 3 protocol until victory was achieved.


Monday – I literally tied a 10 pound kettlebell around my waist and, with it dangling like an iron nut sack, started the process all over again (progressing from 30 to 60reps). Slay multiple dragons before you lose your mind and switch to a lower rep program.

Additional Rules and Tips:

1. Squat deep with perfect form! Absolutely no changing tempo or pauses! The eccentric portion of all reps is critical and should be fairly slow. The elastic property of muscle is the enemy of hypertrophy! Some people can sling-shot their way to a hundred repetitions but the muscle building stimulus will be nil. Relying on muscle elasticity omits the friction that occurs as muscle filaments slide apart during the eccentric portion of a lift. Less friction means less heat production and lower metabolic stress. To build maximum muscle it is imperative that (during the eccentric part of the lift) you feel your muscles lengthen or “slide apart” under control. Raise your heels on a board if you have trouble staying upright (however, be aware this will place more emphasis on the quads with less emphasis on the glutes)

2. Mental preparation should begin the night before battle. A little anticipation will help gather your gumption. Unlike striving for single repetition maximums, approach each set relatively relaxed. Save your fury for the final five or six repetitions. Remind yourself that the burn is not an indication of damage but a catalyst for success!


– This is a pure type 1 muscle fibre hypertrophy program. Without maintenance, your type 2 strength and explosiveness will diminish. This program underscores the distinct nature of muscle fibre adaptation. Ultimately, for maximum size, both type 1 and type 2 fibres must be addressed in a ratio that is optimum for you.

–  Despite the pain, the results of this program can become addictive. Don’t stay on it too long without a break for recovery or you may compromise your immune system.

Slaying dragons may be too much at first. Don’t despair. Start with hamsters and work your way up the Hierarchy of Beasts until your ready to challenge a mythological monster. For those who persevere your lifelong title awaits:



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