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The Best Muscle Building Foods

The following is a quick and dirty countdown of common whole foods which provide outstanding muscle building nutrition. Hopefully this short article is thought provoking and inspires further research.

6. Carbohydrate dominant food (potatoes, rice, flour etc.)

It is hard to build substantial muscle without foods which strongly stimulate insulin. Choose your carbodhydrate sources based on digestibiliy and titrate your dose according to your activity levels and metabolism. Limit carb sources which contain signigicant levels of anti-nutrients or phytoestrogens (brown rice, legumes, seeds etc.).

5. Whole Eggs

Super high-quality protein, abundant levels of antioxidants (lutein, zeaxanthin) and nutrients (omega 3s, choline) which support nervous system and metabolic function. Eggs produced from truly free-range hens are infinitely superior to common, commercial varities.

4. Whole Milk, Greek Yogurt and Ricotta Cheese

The mother of muscle foods, milk and milk products contain high-quality protein (whey and casein), heathlful fats (CLA, omega 3s) and a multitude of vitamins (K2) and minerals (calcium, electrolytes). Fermented dairy foods (containing probiotics) also bolster the immune and digestive systems. Whole fat, organic products are best for dedicated mass phases.

3. Offal

Less common in Canadian and American diets, animal products such as liver and chicken hearts are very potent muscle building foods. They are a mega source of vitamins, minerals, and protein. Novel (to the general public) bodybuilding compounds such as arachidonic acid and phosphatidylserine are also found in high levels in offal.

2. Seafood (herring, sardines, halibut, shellfish, salmon etc.)

The very best sources of minerals and fats herald from the sea. Testosterone and imumune supporting zinc, magnesium and vitamin D in highly absorbable form. Little fishes pack big levels of creatine.

1. Red Meat (Beef, Bison, Wild Game etc.)

Eat muscle to grow muscle. No other food can beat red meat for its combination of protein, creatine, CLA (including vaccenic acid) carnosine, carnitine and omega 3’s. Female athletes especially should recognize the value of heme iron and its ummatched hemoglobin boosting effects. Choose beasts which have grown on natural feed.

Don’t underestimate the power of your food choices. Nutrition is the primary influence over how you look, feel and perform. In your quest for the ultimate high-performance diet be wary of the possibility of creating a specific nutrient deficiency or (vice versa) toxic overload.  Always consult with a registered dietitian before making changes to your diet. Eat smart and Eat Strong!

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