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The Anti Core Workout

Pronating Preacher Curls

Core. The most overused term in fitness over the last fifteen years.

Need to get faster? Work your core. Need to get stronger? Work your core. Sore back? Work your core. Ad Nauseam. Fifteen years ago, I had a strong core. My squats and deadlifts surpassed 450lbs. Chinups with an additional 135 lbs. Swiss ball crunches and pikes with massive dumbbells. One day, a friend needed help moving. He had an enormous cabinet. I felt confident I was up to task (with my great core strength!) but I worried my lighter friend (fifty pounds lighter) would struggle. We moved the cabinet a few paces when, suddenly, my high expectations fell and crushed my spirits. I had dropped my end of the cabinet! While my spine, hips and legs had capacity to spare – my grip had failed. From this experience I learned to open my mind and look beyond core strength (and to have modest expectations).

If we define “core” as our center; that is, the muscles of our spine and hips, then this program prioritizes the opposite. Foremost in this program are the muscles which exist on the periphery: the grip and elbow flexors as well as the calves and knee flexors. Exercises for the core come second and even third in the order of operations. This reversal of traditional exercise order will “handicap” your compound exercise performance but expect to see rapid gains upon your return to an orthodox (core-exercises first) routine.

Below is a simplified template (a snap shot that should fit within a periodized and progressive program) to help illustrate the design of an Anti-Core Program:


Upper Body Pulling Chain/Lower Body Sprinting Chain

Pinch Grip 6 sets x 60 seconds
Standing Calf Raises 6 sets x 30 reps

Pronating Preacher Curls 4 sets x 10 reps
Glute Ham Raise 4 sets x 10 reps

Chin-ups 3 sets x 6 reps
Hamstring Deadlift 3 sets x 6 reps
(Romanian Deadlift)

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

Upper Body Pushing Chain/Lower Body Squatting Chain
Adductor Magnus 6 sets x 15 reps
Triceps Extensions to Chin 6 sets x 10 reps

Hip Thrusts 4 sets x 10 reps
Close-grip Rack Lockouts 4 sets x 10 reps

Barbell Squats 3 sets x 6 reps
Bench Press 3 sets x 6 reps

Your core is often not the factor limiting your gym or sport performance. Want to lift more? Train your grip and forearms. Want to move faster? Train your calves. Want to be more resilient? Train your neck. Reserve a few monthes every year to reverse your traditional exercise order. Smash your periphery – you will reap greater long-term gains and drop fewer cabinets.

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