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 M E G A B E N C H

One of the best bench press programs ever!

In strength training, the combination of a hypertrophy and motor learning stimulus can result in magical progress. The Megabench program includes both stimuli with appropriate volume and frequency. This is a very simple template – you can add frills if desired (tempo, periodization, assistance exercises, etc.). This program is responsible for some of the greatest gains in my career:

Pre Megabench                             Post Megabench

– bodyweight – 205 lbs                – bodyweight – 172 lbs!

– bench press – 1 x 275 lbs        – bench press – 1 x 345 lbs!

Of course, a definition phase was responsible for the weight loss. Megabench greatly improved my strength during recomposition. I have used this template dozens of times with clients over the last fifteen years and I have come to expect increases of twenty to sixty pounds in bench press one-repetition maximum. Stay on the program for six to eight consecutive weeks. A four week break is recommended between cycles. Outlined below is the Megabench program with loads suited to an individual who can bench press 275 lbs once. Extrapolate your own data from the loads provided.

Day 1

This day is dedicated to building muscle. A simple system of repetitive efforts with the same load is applied to two exercises.

Bench Press

Set 1) 5 reps x 135 lbs

Set 2) 5 reps x 185 lbs

Set 3) 5 reps x 225 lbs

Set 4) 5 reps x 225 lbs

Set 5) 5 reps x 225 lbs – if you hit 5 or more reps on this set target 235lbs next week

Close-grip Bench Press

Set 1) 8 reps x 185 lbs

Set 2) 8 reps x 185 lbs

Set 3) 8 reps x 185 lbs – if you hit 8 or more reps on this set target 195 lbs next week

Rest 4 minutes between sets of bench press (you can do a set for biceps or back while you are waiting)

Day 2

This day is dedicated to grooving technique and improving neural drive. A system of multiple sets and undulating repetitions, called Wave Loading, is perfect for accomplishing both goals. Wave Loading was introduced twenty years ago by Charles Poliquin. Choosing appropriate load increments is key. Only the 8th set is taken to the absolute limit.

Bench Press

Set 1) 5 reps 135 lbs

Set 2) 5 reps 185 lbs

Set 3) 3 reps 225 lbs

Set 4) 2 reps 245 lbs

Set 5) 1 rep 265 lbs

Set 6) 3 reps 235 lbs

Set 7) 2 reps 255 lbs

Set 8) 1 rep 275 lbs – if you succeed, increase the weight 5-10 lbs next week

Close-grip Bench Press

Set 1) 4 reps 200 lbs

Set 2) 4 reps 200 lbs

Set 3) 4 reps 200 lbs – if you hit 4 or more reps on this set target 205 – 210 lbs next week

Rest 4 minutes between sets of bench press (you can do a set for biceps or back while you are waiting)

Two days should separate Day 1 and Day 2. Three days should separate Day 2 and Day 1. Personally, Day 1 was scheduled on Mondays and Day 2 on Thursdays.

The Megabench program delivers big results by exploiting two key principles in strength training – get big and practice!

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