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Terms and Conditions

I recognize that I will be participating in group exercise classes offered by Tarodo Inc. In addition to physical activity, I may receive information and guidance in regards to health, performance, appearance, exercise, stretching and posture. I recognize that group exercise is strenuous and may cause or aggravate physical injury. I also recognize that a physician should be consulted prior to making any changes to my habits, diet or lifestyle. I am fully aware of and willingly assume all risks and hazards.

Prior to beginning an exercise program, it is my responsibility to consult a physician regarding my ability to engage in strenuous physical activity. Joining any online class indicates that I am free of any existing medical condition/s which would preclude safe participation. Tarodo group exercise, assessments or postural and muscular balance guidance is not a substitute for advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment by a medically licensed professional.

I release and discharge Tarodo Inc, its owners, directors, staff, participants and its instructors from any and all liability, claims, demands, or actions that I may have resulting from injury, illness, death or damages arising from my participation in online group exercise classes.

In accordance with Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation I give my consent to receive electronic communications from Tarodo Inc regarding; upcoming workshops, trainings, announcements, invitations, events, promotions, products and all other related electronic communications.

Tarodo Inc. reserves the right to ban patrons from online classes if members or staff experience   or notice disruptive behaviour, abuse or harassment.


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