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Author: taro

On the Path to The Most Effective Shoulder Workout

Prone Crank

On the subject of maximum deltoid development, three issues immediately spring to mind: Continue Reading

Six Reasons Why a Strength and Conditioning Program is Essential

“Just do more…”
Old School sport coaches love to answer the question of increasing strength and endurance with Continue Reading

In Pursuit of the Most Effective Fat Loss Diet and Supplement Plan – Supplement Cycling

The masses are always a key concept or two behind the truly avid. In exercise and nutrition, the masses have yet to grasp the concept of cycling. Continue Reading

6 Revelations About Shoulder Pain

6 Revelations About Shoulder Pain

1. It is Not the Exercises
Benches presses, upright rows and overhead presses are great exercises. They can bring tremendous physical benefits – I often use them to end shoulder pain. Continue Reading

On The Path to the Most Effective Chest Workout

(The Quest For Ponderous Pectorals!)

Anyone on a quest for ponderous pectorals should mind these four keys.
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The Next Step to Achieving Your Best Muscle Building Results

Antagonist Management!

Muscles that are functionally opposite are known as antagonists. Tight and hyperactive antagonists can inhibit the full recruitment of the muscles you are trying to develop. Continue Reading

6 Revelations About Back Pain


6 Revelations for Back Pain Sufferers

1. An overuse syndrome is likely to be at the root of your pain.

Overuse syndromes occur when active, strong muscles compensate for inactive, weak muscles. This “double duty” means more work and less rest! The path to recovery from lower back pain therefore requires:

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The Best Workout Warm-up


The Best Workout Warm-up

Warm up proctocols are the current hot topic in the field of exercise. Everyone espouses their own special workout-readiness recipe. Some of the most common rituals include foam rolling and other self-myofascial release modalities, mobility drills, stretching, light cardio, sprinting and plyometrics. Continue Reading

Eat Strong!


Eat Strong

Traditional weight-loss diets (TWLD) weaken people. Counting calories, eliminating carbohydrates, removing meats, avoiding fats and deprivation all contribute to irritated, constipated and impotent individuals. Here’s why:

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