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functional exercise

A Personal Trainer’s Truest Test

We all appreciate the world class athlete. The kind of individual that challenges our flashiest tools and methods. Athletes justify all those hours spent dwelling on olympic lifting minutia and multi-planar periodization. Having high level athletes as clients is prestigious and makes us credibile in the public eye. However, experienced trainers know that champions generally come as extra-ordinary packages; that is, they are highly motivated, disciplined and gifted enough to hide all manners of training and dietary errors. The world class athlete, therefore, is hardly a measure of a coach’s mettle. A truer test of a coach’s abilities is the client who is the opposite of a gifted athlete. Unlike extra-ordinary packages, the individuals within this category (we will call them True Test Clients or TTC’s) are near total dysfunction. TTC’s are old, fat, diabetic or prediabetic, at major risk of cardiovascular disease, have multiple musculoskeletal health issues and have poor motor skills. On top of it all, TTC’s are often depressed, stubborn and cynical. At stake, instead of medals, is their very existence. Coaches have direct influence on the quality of life of TTC’s as well as the quality of life of those close to them. To have success with a TTC a trainer must have the following qualites in spades:

1. Compassion

Compassion is our greatest trait. Great coaches have enough wisdom and confidence to eliminate the need to judge, deride or dismiss others. Compassion promotes co-operation, tolerance and understanding – essential values for members within a community. Great trainers, driven by concern for their clients, search hard for solutions and get reults.

2. Leadership

All people should strive to be good role models. Younger generations and those who have fallen from the path need guidance. Role models are proof that living well and making good decisions results in great benefits. Personal stories of patience, problem solving and perserverence are powerful motivation for clients.

3. Gameness

Great trainers are warriors. Prior experience has equipped them with formidable tools and weapons. Not only do game warriors expect challenges in life – they welcome them.This attitiude has to be transfered to clients. The ability to surmount obtacles is vital on any path towards a goal.

4. Creativity

The physical disposition of TTCs demand innovation. Exercises will have to be modified and created. Trainers will truly test their understanding and application of “functional exercise”. Forget bosu balls and wobble boards – they are a catastrophe waiting to happen. Unlike gifted athletes, TTCs quickly validate as well as disprove fitness methods. New directions must emerge for every dead end.

The above traits are invaluable in helping any client achieve their goals. However, they must be truly formidable to succeed with a TTC. World class athletes are pure gold as clients. However, their patronage is not the basis of a personal trainer hierarchy – not by a long shot.

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