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intermittent fasting

Modified Intermittent Fasting II

Intermittent Fasting for athletes and muscle/strength enthusiasts.

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Modified Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a popular method of dietary regulation. Its most common form features a fasting period of sixteen hours alternated with a feeding period of eight hours. From a physiological perspective, IF causes weight loss with the associated health benefits. From a behavioural perspective, IF is easy to sustain as it requires minimal calorie counting and food restriction. Most importantly, unlike other diet plans, IF results in daily fullness (since a whole day of eating is crammed into an eight hour period). Unfortunately, IF is a poor choice of dietary regulation for serious anaerobic athletes as fasting periods interfere with maximal muscle protein synthesis (MMPS). MMPS (the greatest rate of muscle development) is necessary for maximal performance, recovery and definition. It requires a total protein intake of 1.6 to 2.2 grams per kilogram body weight¹ spread evenly (in doses ranging from 4 to .55 grams per kg body weight¹) throughout the day. Can the benefits of IF be combined with the requirements of MMPS?

Proponents of strict fasting argue the practice improves insulin efficiency, maintains daytime energy levels and allows fat loss (amongst other things). A modified version of IF would involve substituting strict fasting periods with protein periods to accommodate MMPS. Although sacrilegious to fasting fanatics, protein periods (featuring low or no carbohydrates) would still improve insulin function, maintain alertness and allow fat loss to occur (especially if the usual eight hour feeding period were reduced). Protein does not result in significant changes in blood sugar and is associated with improved insulin sensitivity. Besides, our bodies are store houses of readily accessible protein, carbs, fats and toxins – does a truly fasted state (as espoused by strict fasting zealots) really exist? In addition to those benefits already mentioned in regard to MMPS, a higher protein intake would also result in greater feelings of satiety and provide more protein derived nutrients (such as creatine, carnitine, carnosine, heme iron, immunoglobulins, dha/epa, K2, D3 etc.). I have been using a modified  version of intermittent fasting (MIF) ever since Ori Hofmekler disclosed the concept of the Warrior Diet. Both simple and advanced renditions of MIF have resulted in dramatic AND sustainable changes in myself as well as clients. Below is an outline of a MIF plan without specific food or supplement recommendations (suitable for a 175 lb individual).

Modified Intermittent Fasting Protocol

30 grams protein

Three hours later
30 grams protein

Three hours later
30 grams protein

Three hours later
30 grams protein

Three hours later
6 hour “open” feeding period
(including 55 grams of protein to meet the day’s total protein requirement )

***make sure you consult with a registered dietician before starting or changing a diet plan***


A compromise between MMPS and intermittent fasting is possible. MIF retains much of the flexibility, convenience and satisfaction of the most popular mode of IF and includes the result boosting power of MMPS. For serious anaerobic athletes there exists no other way!

  1. Brad Jon Schoenfeld and Alan Albert Aragon, “How much protein can the body use in a single meal for muscle-building? Implications for daily protein distribution,” International Journal of Sports Nutrition, 2018, 15:10.

Tips For Summer Fat Loss Success

Without fail, at the change of season, hysteria grips the population. The removal of winter clothes triggers Extreme Self Consciousness Syndrome. The most common symptoms are the sudden urge to control calories and begin exercise. During this time of hysteria sufferers are especially vulnerable to gimmicks and gizmos. Follow the tips below and thrive while others suffer.


Commit to your mission:   

 Without fail, as soon as anyone sets a goal for themselves obstacles appear. Anticipate the usual setbacks; social occasions, travel, injuries, illness, stress, haters and saboteurs. Those whom are prepared will prevail! Instead of pacifying yourself with food deal with the important issues of the day and be confident in your ability to surmount adversity.


Limit the damage:

The first step for many clients is to limit their eating to between 2 pm and 10 pm. This strategy is effective for a number of reasons:

  • Food cramming (squeezing a day’s diet into eight hours) causes fullness yet results in fewer calories being consumed.
  • The body is given a longer period of time in a fasted state which has a number of benefits including improved insulin function
  • Impulsive, unproductive grazing is eliminated
  • When the opportunity to eat is restricted, people automatically become aware of every morsel that enters their mouth. This results in a well ruminated diet with consistent food choices and portions – the basis of a successful diet! 


Base your diet on protein:

Protein is the fundamental food of  choice for these reasons: 

  • During metabolism, 20 to 30 % of protein calories are lost to heat production (only 15 to 20% and 2 to 5 % for carbohydrates and fats respectively)
  • Protein is more satiating than carbohydrates or fat
  • A high intake results in simultaneous muscle mass increase and fat loss
  • Nutrients (Vitamin B12, heme iron, zinc, carnitine, carnosine, glutathione, creatine, EPA, DHA, BCAAs etc.) derived from meat, fish and whey protein are vital for vigour and performance.

Recent evidence indicates .8 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight is not enough. Target between 1.6 and 2.4 grams of protein per kilogram bodyweight daily.


Target Glycogen Not Fat 

Encourage your body to burn glycogen and it will respond by storing more glycogen. Encourage your body to burn fat and it will respond by storing more fat! Fat burning aerobic exercise reduces metabolic rate and diminishes muscle mass and power. Glycogen burning anaerobic exercise boosts metabolic rate and increases muscle mass. It also diverts calories from fat storage (in belly fat, hip fat etc.) to glycogen storage (in biceps muscle, butt muscle etc.). To ensure that your workout is burning glycogen and not fat keep exercise intensity above what can be sustained for two minutes. Take breaks that are both frequent and long enough to ensure maintenance of this intensity level. Activities conducive to anaerobic training include: sprinting, rowing and strength training.  


Get Into Cyclical HIIT Training

High Intensity Interval Training rips fat off the body but sustaining peak volume is impossible. To avoid premature HIIT burnout, program your weekly volume progressively. Build to maximum levels and then reduce to beginning levels. Repeat this cycle according to tolerance. Below is an average example of this concept:

1 set is composed of a 30 second maximal or near maximal sprint followed by a 30 second walk. Make sure to warm-up prior to your first set!


Week 1           Week 2         Week 3         Week 4          Week 5         Week 6

6 sets              7 sets           8 sets           9 sets            10 sets         11 sets

    Week 7           Week 8         Week 9         Week 10        Week 11       Week 12        

12 sets           13 sets         14 sets          15 sets           6 sets            7 sets



Do a lot of strength training:

Your muscles are sponges saturated with calories. Squeeze them dry and they will suck calories away from fat cells. Squeeze them too much, however, and their calorie sucking ability will be impaired. Maximize calories sucking ability by draining as many muscles as possible rather than pummelling a select few. The usual split of chest and triceps Monday, quads and abs Tuesday, back and biceps Wednesday, shoulders and traps Thursday, lower back and hamstrings Friday is inadequate. Far too few muscles are being drained of their glycogen. A more sophisticated program of sufficient variety looks like this:



Back (Scapular Depressors)

Chest (Lower Fibres and Pec Minor)

Elbow Flexors (Supinators)

Triceps (Long Head)



Adductors of the thigh

Calves (Supinators)


Shoulders (Medial Rotators)

Abs (Upper Fibres and Obliques)

Neck (Flexors) and Traps


Back (Scapular Retractors)

Chest (Upper and Mid Pec)

Elbow Flexors (Pronators)

Triceps (Lateral and Medial Heads)


Low Back/Hamstrings

Abductors of the thigh

Calves (Pronators)


Shoulders (Lateral Rotators)

Abs (Lower abs and Hip Flexors)

Neck (Extensors)


Cook Enough for Leftovers

Pasta, rice and potatoes change molecular structure after they have been cooked and then allowed to cool. A large (10 to 50 percent!) portion of the original carbohydrate content gets converted to undigestible resistant starch. Monday’s pasta dinner, despite being of equal portion size, will have less fattening impact when consumed Tuesday night. Cooled foods can be reheated without affecting the molecular transformation.



Keenan, M. J., Zhou, J., McCutcheon, K. L., Raggio, A. M., Bateman, H. G., Todd, E., … & Hegsted, M. (2006). Effects of Resistant Starch, A Non-digestible Fermentable Fiber, on Reducing Body Fat. Obesity, 14(9), 1523-1534

Layman, D.K.(2009). Dietary Guidelines should reflect new understandings about adult protein needs. Nutrition & Metabolism, 6(12), Lemon, P. (1998). Effects of exercise on dietary protein requirements. International Journal of Sports Nutrition, 8(4), 426-447.

Westerterp, K.R. (2004). Diet induced thermogenesis. Nutrition & Metabolism, 1, 1-5

Top Tips for Fat Loss

The heat is here. The desire to get in shape, buried deep within our unconscious mind, is suddenly uncovered by a lack of clothing. In the excitement, fat-loss folklore and marketing hype claim many victims. In brief, reject immediately any program which mentions “low-fat”, “aerobics”, “take three pills a day”, “fifty exercises in one machine” or “twenty easy minutes three times a week”. Continue Reading

The Best Muscle Building Foods

The following is a quick and dirty countdown of common whole foods which provide outstanding muscle building nutrition. Hopefully this short article is thought provoking and inspires further research.

6. Carbohydrate dominant food (potatoes, rice, flour etc.)

It is hard to build substantial muscle without foods which strongly stimulate insulin. Choose your carbodhydrate sources based on digestibiliy and titrate your dose according to your activity levels and metabolism. Limit carb sources which contain signigicant levels of anti-nutrients or phytoestrogens (brown rice, legumes, seeds etc.).

5. Whole Eggs

Super high-quality protein, abundant levels of antioxidants (lutein, zeaxanthin) and nutrients (omega 3s, choline) which support nervous system and metabolic function. Eggs produced from truly free-range hens are infinitely superior to common, commercial varities.

4. Whole Milk, Greek Yogurt and Ricotta Cheese

The mother of muscle foods, milk and milk products contain high-quality protein (whey and casein), heathlful fats (CLA, omega 3s) and a multitude of vitamins (K2) and minerals (calcium, electrolytes). Fermented dairy foods (containing probiotics) also bolster the immune and digestive systems. Whole fat, organic products are best for dedicated mass phases.

3. Offal

Less common in Canadian and American diets, animal products such as liver and chicken hearts are very potent muscle building foods. They are a mega source of vitamins, minerals, and protein. Novel (to the general public) bodybuilding compounds such as arachidonic acid and phosphatidylserine are also found in high levels in offal.

2. Seafood (herring, sardines, halibut, shellfish, salmon etc.)

The very best sources of minerals and fats herald from the sea. Testosterone and imumune supporting zinc, magnesium and vitamin D in highly absorbable form. Little fishes pack big levels of creatine.

1. Red Meat (Beef, Bison, Wild Game etc.)

Eat muscle to grow muscle. No other food can beat red meat for its combination of protein, creatine, CLA (including vaccenic acid) carnosine, carnitine and omega 3’s. Female athletes especially should recognize the value of heme iron and its ummatched hemoglobin boosting effects. Choose beasts which have grown on natural feed.

Don’t underestimate the power of your food choices. Nutrition is the primary influence over how you look, feel and perform. In your quest for the ultimate high-performance diet be wary of the possibility of creating a specific nutrient deficiency or (vice versa) toxic overload.  Always consult with a registered dietitian before making changes to your diet. Eat smart and Eat Strong!

In Pursuit of the Most Effective Fat Loss Diet and Supplement Plan – Supplement Cycling

The masses are always a key concept or two behind the truly avid. In exercise and nutrition, the masses have yet to grasp the concept of cycling. Continue Reading

Eat Strong!


Eat Strong

Traditional weight-loss diets (TWLD) weaken people. Counting calories, eliminating carbohydrates, removing meats, avoiding fats and deprivation all contribute to irritated, constipated and impotent individuals. Here’s why:

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